Thursday, March 17, 2016

Asthma: Triggers & Treatment

Asthma: Triggers & Treatment
Asthma is a chronic ailment (disorder) of the lungs. It causes the airways to swell (inflame) and thus, narrows the air passage causing shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing.
In patients, asthma is typically triggered by allergens like,
i.            Dust
ii.            Mold
iii.            Pollen
iv.            Tobacco smoke
v.            Changes in weather
vi.            Chemicals
vii.            Animal Hair
viii.            Stress (Emotion)
As with most disorders the severity of the symptoms depends on many factors. Most of the symptoms inhibit breathing, like shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing etc.

As far as treatment goes, there’s 2 ways to administer treatment for asthma:
Drugs to prevent attacks
-          Also known as control drugs.
-          Inhaled Corticosteroids (Alvesco, Asmanex etc) and Beta – agonist inhalers are the most common control drugs. A Beta- Agonist inhaler should not be inhaled by itself. It needs to be administered along with a steroid inhaler.
Relief drugs to use during an attack.
-          Also known as rescue drugs
-          Mainly involve bronchodilators (Proventil, Ventolin)

The symptoms and complications of asthma vary based on the severity of the attack. Some of these include:
-          Inability to sleep
-          Decreased ability to exercise
-          Persistent coughing
-          Uneasy breathing, may be even requiring assistance (ventilators)
-          Functional changes in the lungs
-          Death.
Take proper care to prevent an attack. Asthma is a difficult condition to live with. It restricts you from doing so many things. Don’t run out of stamina, because with proper care and treatment you can reduce the severity of the condition and begin to live a life that is normal in almost every aspect.

Managing Diabetes

Diabetes includes several different metabolic disorders that all, if left untreated, result in abnormally high concentrations of sugar in your blood. Type 1 diabetes results when the pancreas no longer produces a significant amount of insulin owing to the destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. Diabetes type 2, on the other hand, results from insulin resistance.
The main goal of diabetes management is to restore your metabolism to as close to a normal state as possible. Other goals of diabetes management are to prevent and/or treat the many complications that can result from the disease itself and from its treatment.
Learning how to control diabetes should be the aim of all of those with diabetes. Here are a few tips that can help:
A blood glucose monitor is an excellent tool for managing diabetes. Testing before and after meals can be a useful technique for measuring how different meals affect your sugar levels and help to improve your diet.
Exercise is extremely important in managing type 2 diabetes. Combining your prescribed medication with diet & exercise will help a lot in controlling your weight and blood sugar level.
Consulting a doctor, if you feel abnormal in any manner, is always suggested. For example you may be feeling excessively sleepy, giddy, may have trouble with urination etc.
Even though diabetes is a chronic condition, the same does not mean, that you will have to avoid every activity you enjoy, once you contract it. You can have the same amount of fun, provided, that you take certain precautions.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Healthy Skin At Every Age!

Healthy Skin At Every Age!
Your skin reveals the story of your life. It indicates all you’ve been through and everything you’ve “faced”.  Each stage of life brings different blessings and curses to your skins. Pregnancy brings with it a gorgeous, happy glow, while age brings with it wrinkles and fine lines. Here’s our walk through guide to your skin, through the ages and stages of your life.
In Your 30’s: Teens aren’t the only ones afflicted by hormone related skin problems. The surge in progesterone and testosterone levels before your period can cause an outbreak of adult acne around your chin, mouth and nose.  Hormonal stress can elevate eczema on your face and hands. Benzoyl-Peroxide and Retinol are usually prescribed by your dermatologist while treating adult acne. You could also soother eczema by using a gentle, fragrance free cleanser. You could also try a homemade paste of honey, aloe-vera, an antiseptic and a dab of 1% cortisone cream to soothe your break out. Consult a dermatologist if the problem persists.
When you’re pregnant: The abundance of estrogen in your body while you’re pregnant means you’ll have beautiful glowing skin. But pregnancy and it’s hormonal flux brings with it a range of issues like melasma, which is the appearance of dark, discoloured splotches on the face(don’t worry, it disappears after delivery). Yourdermat may prescribe a skin cream with lightening agents if it bothers you.  You may also develop an ailment called PUPP(prutic  urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy). PUPP usually surfaces during the third trimester of pregnancy and moisturizer and cold baths should alleviate the symptoms. If that doesn’t help you’ll need a prescription for an oral antihistamine or steroid cream to get your skin back to its glowing best.
When you’re 40: All the damage you’ve done to your skin throughout your life surfaces when you’re 40. To minimize the damage, get a prescription for a retinoid, which will minimize signs of aging like wrinkles, age spots and uneven skin tone.
This is the age when skin cancer also surfaces, so monthly checks for moles or anything unusual are the order. Stand in front of a mirror and inspect your entire body, from the soles of your feet to your scalp and look out for anything that seems out of the ordinary.
This is also the age when rosacea appears, this is a common skin condition triggered by stress, spicy food, alcohol, sun exposure and hot weather. Redness, small bumps on your face and spider like blood vessels are the symptoms of this disease that develops with age. Treat it with soothing anti inflammatory moisturizers, antioxidant rich sunscreens and gentle cleansers. We also suggest you avoid things that make you blush and use green tinted make-up as a home remedy.
If you find yourself victim to dry, flaky red spots in your cheeks, forehead or nose you might have developed actinic keratosis. Caused by sun damage, if not removed these can be cancerous. Don’t confuse this with Seborrheic Keratosis(symptoms: warty, brownish-yellow growth on the chest and back) and skin tags(often on the underarms, groin, neck and eyelids)
In your 50’s: The decrease of estrogen in your body causes your skin to be dry and brittle. Keep your skin hydrated by drinking lots of water and avoid taking too many baths in one day as this strips your body of its natural oils. Spider veins and varicose veins afflict half of all women your age. Symptoms include enlarged blood vessels visible on the surface of the skin. You could seek laser treatment or sclerotherapy to fix this problem. Consult a doctor if your varicose vein is tender, red, swollen or warm. The best way to keep these troublesome varicose veins at bay is by maintaining a healthy diet, not sitting cross legged for long periods of time and exercising regularly.

Start Fighting Hair Loss Today!

Start Fighting Hair Loss Today!
Your hair is your crowning glory and any hair loss, balding, premature graying or problems with your hair act as a mirror to the current state of your body. An average human loses anything between 20 to a 100 hair strands a day, so don’t freak out at the hair that you see on your comb. Balding is a symptom of prolonged hair loss that’s more than the daily average. Factors linked to hair fall include: Hormonal Imbalances, bad genes(politely referred to as “heredity”),Malfunctioning of the Thyroid gland, stress, lack of sleep, Excessive intake of Vit. A, conversely a deficient intake of folic acid and even pregnancy are linked to that annoying receding hairline and bald patches.
Apart from these factors, you can also change small daily routines in order to decrease the amount of hair loss. Herbal remedies for hair loss include massaging your scalp for 10-15 minutes twice a week with either coconut milk, coconut oil, almond oil, even oil made from the Indian goose berry( commonly referred to as “Amla” oil) is found to be beneficial. A good hair massage is found to increase blood circulation to the scalp, which combats hair loss by promoting hair growth.

Since a variety of dietary deficiencies are found to cause hair loss, you can make a few dietary changes in order to battle that annoying hair loss. Good proteins promote hair growth and it is proven that a protein packed diet of lean proteins (turkey, chicken, fish), sprouts, milk, eggs and yoghurt can help you regain your crowning glory. Another factor linked to hairloss is a copper deficiency, to rid yourself of any copper deficiency, it is recommended to drink a “super juice” made of carrots, alfalfa, and capsicum. If a Vitamin A deficiency is causing your hairloss, you can cure that by including foods like cabbage, carrots peanuts and spinach in your daily salad!

Dont Let Joint Pains Make You Feel Disjointed

Dont Let Joint Pains Make You Feel Disjointed
We don’t need to tell you that irrespective of the degree of pain and the location, any joint pain is very cumbersome and annoying. That annoying lower back pain, knee joint pain, shoulder joint pain is more than that, it could be a symptom of arthritis and you must tread cautiously. Experts claim that the usual aches and pains aren’t a right of passage into aging, but joint pain can be curtailed with the help of regular exercise, taking the right supplements and joint replacement surgery.  Joint pain can be caused by any of the following causes, measles, fractures, exertion, sprain of the muscle, osteoarthritis, etc.
If you’ve taken loads of rest, applied all the topical Ointments you can legally lay your hands on, Over the counter pills and none of which have helped and you are in joint pain for a prolonged period of time, then you mustn’t take your joint pain for granted and must immediately call your doctor if any of the following symptoms take place:
  • You suddenly feel an onset of stiffness & pain. The onslaught is quick and you must get this checked as it may be one of the initial symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • You’ve got a fever along with the pain
  • Along with your pain you have a stiffness in your limbs, or back in short periods of time . Be wary for you might be developing osteoarthritis or another one of he arthritic conditions.
  • The pain develops rapidly and the joint is extremely tender and red.

If you have developed arthritis symptoms, you can opt for a range of alternative treatments, physiotherapy, you could even try the arthritis diets and supplements which are flooding the market. Just make sure you  take your doctor’s advice before indulging in anything.

Popular Diet Plans

Popular Diet Plans
Weight loss these days is more than just a calorie equation. Every day, we hear about new ways to lose weight in a healthy way. Americans spend an estimated $42 billion each year on weight loss products, equipment, food and services. Diet plans usually bring about weight loss through behavior modification, including calorie reduction, lowered fat consumption, increase in grain and fruit consumption. They are often accompanied by increased physical activity.
Some of the most common diet plans are:
The Atkins diet is a high-protein, high-fat, low-carbohydrate plan. The Atkins diet web site states the current plan “is about eating delicious and healthy foods, which makes it so much better than any of those fad diets out there. You eat a variety of your favorite foods — lean protein, leafy greens, vegetables, nuts, fruits, whole grains. Plus, you get delicious Atkins bars and shakes from day one and every step of the way.”
The Zone is a relatively new diet. It consists of a fat-controlled, high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet plan. It allows the dieter to eat a wider variety of foods as compared to the other diets. The diet recommends an intake of 40% of calories from carbohydrates, 30% from protein, and 30% from fats (40-30-30).
The South Beach diet plan is the newest of the dietary plans. It functions in pretty much the same way as the Zone Diet, by controlling fat, lowering carb intake and increasing protein consumption. The goal of this diet is to take out bad fats and bad carbohydrates from your diet.
Jenny Craig is probably the most widely-known diet plan, thanks to it’s extensive marketing campaign. This diet provides you with your foods and snacks to ensure you consume the exact amount of calories your body needs to lose weight. You add fresh produce and dairy. You meet with a consultant on a weekly basis to discuss your progress, and who will assist you with transitioning to your own food when you are ready to do so.
These are the best-known diet plans in the market. However, it is important to choose a diet plan that suits your body and exercise regimen the best. Hence, don’t take our word for it- do your research, and make a smart choice.

Your Guide to Busting Fad Diets!

Most failed dieters share a common diet story. It starts with hearing about the hottest diet, which has exaggerated claims like “Lose 5 pounds in a week” and helps you achieve the weight loss by  making you survive solely on low calorie foods like apples/soup/lemonade. Although these diets will put your body into starvation mode and help you knock off a few pounds, the deficit of minerals and nourishment will harm you in the long run and you will find yourself putting the weight on again. We help you break the cycle of fad diets and achieve your fitness fantasy the right way by making these small changes in your day to day life:
Avoid triggers that force you to make bad health choices:
If it’s your friends who make you indulge in binge eating sessions where all you do is scarf down processed foods and unnecessary calories, then you need to make a few changes. Although it would be ideal to totally eliminate these sessions, a great way to shed the extra calories is by limiting the number of times you indulge in junk food. You could always go out with your friends and exercise self control while they stuff their faces with junk. If you can’t avoid eating junk, then have a small meal before you head out to meet ‘em, that way you won’t be able to eat too much.
Ditch Those Sugar Loaded Snacks: Not only are they the enemy, but they don’t fill you up. A sugar loaded cake/soda will give you a sugar high, which will soon be followed by an extreme low, which will leave you feeling tired, moody and hungry. Opt for a high fiber snack like oats, or fruit. The natural sugar in fruit will satisfy your sugar craving and the additional boost of fiber and nutrients will make you feel better and fuller for longer.

Exercise: Try and get 5 sessions of exercise a week. A work out,(no matter how intense) will give you a dose of endorphins(the happy hormones) which will curb your craving for food love!

How To Lose Weight With A Little Help From Technology

How To Lose Weight With A Little Help From Technology
Weight Loss and Weight Control are two very important factors which plague every individual, as weight not only has implications on your vanity, but also on your future health and increases your susceptibility to diseases like diabetes, cholesterol issues and even heart ailments. Tired of sabotaging your diet with mindless binge-ing? The researchers in Clemson University in South Carolina have created a watch like device that calculates every bite you take. This healthy strap on tracks the pattern of “wrist roll movements” whenever the wearer takes a bite.  The press release calls it “a pedometer for eating”

Calories are calculated from bite count based on a formula similar to that found in exercise equipment estimating calories burned. The designers claim the readings are 90 percent accurate. ‘Our preliminary data suggest that bite count can be used as a proxy for caloric count,’ said Eric Muth, the professor for Electric and Computer Engineering.
“At the societal level, current weight-loss and weight management programs are failing to make a significant impact. Studies have shown that people tend to underestimate what they eat by large margins, mostly because traditional methods rely upon self–observation and reporting,” said psychology professor Muth.
You can check the device for real-time bite count while eating, or tally up your daily count and set an alarm based on count to let you know when it’s time to drop that fork. After your meal, you can download the data log to your computer via the device’s USB for long-term analysis.
“The device only requires that the user press a button to turn it on before eating and press the button again after the meal or snack is done. In between, the device automatically counts how many bites have been eaten” Electric and Computer Engineer professor Hoover said. The device costs a neat $ 800 and according to the Clemson University, the device can be redesigned and sold at a more pocket friendly price in the near future.

Android custom ROMs: What are they, and how to install them

What is an Android custom ROM?
With the constant rush to trumpet the latest phones it’s easy to think of old phones as obsolete. Most carriers encourage this with a spotty record on upgrading their existing phones to the latest and greatest software. Worse yet, some perfectly good phones are burdened with extra software and limitations, imposed by the carrier from the first day they ship.
Fortunately there is often a great solution to both of these problems: Installing custom ROMs (Read-Only Memories) on your phone. ROMs are the low level programming (also often called firmware) that contain the operating system and basic applications to make your phone work. For the iPhone and iPad those ROMs come from Apple and can typically only be updated when Apple issues updates. But for Android devices there are literally hundreds of developers working on custom ROMs for most common models of phones and tablets, which they are happy to share with the community. The big question for most users is whether it is worth the hassle of installing a custom ROM, and if so, what is the best way to do it safely.

The benefits of a custom ROM
The most basic benefit of custom ROMs is getting rid of “bloatware” — the trial or otherwise unwanted software carriers often include in the ROM to get you to buy more stuff, that you may not need, and that takes up precious room on your device. When ROM “cooks” (ROM terminology often uses a kitchen metaphor, with cooking being a common name for the process of building a custom ROM) create a ROM, the first thing they leave out is the space-consuming trial software. They may also leave out many of the included utilities, letting their users add them back only if they need them. Often they also strip out vendor- or carrier-specific versions of the launcher, replacing them with Google’s original versions or a version they prefer.
How to get started
Creating a Recovery option
The first thing to know is that messing with your phone’s firmware can be risky. You can potentially “brick” your phone so that it won’t be usable without some major low-level hacking. So, at least until you are comfortable with installing ROMs, it’s best to use an older phone or tablet to work with — proceed at your own risk.
Beyond simple fixes, custom ROMs can also open a whole world of new possibilities for your device. In many cases newer versions of Android are available for your device as custom ROMs, beyond what your carrier has released or is planning to release. The Viewsonic gTablet is a great example of that, with several different custom Honeycomb (Android 3.0) ROMs available for it, even though there is almost no chance Viewsonic will ever bother to try to port Honeycomb to it.
Custom ROMs can also include other cool features, like overclocking, themes, private browsing support, and so on. The gTablet’s Nvidia Tegra chipset, clocked at 1GHz “by the book,” can be overclocked to 1.6GHz with the right combination of ROMs and a custom kernel, with corresponding performance improvements. In some cases custom ROMs can even completely re-invent existing devices. There is already an alpha version of an Android ROM out for the HP Touchpad, a webOS device, for example.
The first rule of installing custom ROMs is the same as the first rule of doctoring — do no harm. So the best place to start is with a good backup of your stock ROM (firmware), your applications and your data. For ROMs, many manufacturers openly post the factory ROMs for the use of hackers in case they need to restore them. This increasingly enthusiastic support of custom ROM developers by vendors, including HTC and Samsung, has made the process much more safe.
If you need to backup your current ROMs yourself, utilities such as ROM Manager are free (or cheap) and up to the task. Titanium Backup or similar software can back up all your applications and data, for a quick restore if needed after flashing your new ROM. These backups are important not just in case of a problem but because sometimes the Android marketplace doesn’t recognize custom ROMs, and the only way to restore an application is from a backup — at least until the custom ROM developer sorts out the issue.
The terminology for installing your own ROMs is confusing, but one important piece is that your Android device can boot into either a Recovery Mode or into the regular ROMs and kernel. Installing a recovery manager lets you install and recover ROMs, wipe caches, and do other housekeeping chores. By far the most popular recovery manager (not to be confused with backup and recovery software) is ClockworkMod. Installing it is usually a prerequisite to working with custom ROMs — and requires just a couple of pokes once you’ve installed ROM Manager.
CyanogenMod 7
Identifying a ROM to try
Depending on how popular your device is, there may be one, several, or dozens of custom ROMs. Xda-developers is one of the most popular clearinghouses for ROM developers and for Q&A about ROMs. It has a sturdy web interface and a very productive Android application for browsing. Their forums are arranged by device to make life a little easier, but there is a lot of data on the site to sift through.
The good news about Android ROMs is that, almost universally, they are free — so you can experiment as much as you want. The not so great news is that they are all over the map in terms of quality, reliability, and support. All are offered “as is,” and even though many have large communities of users, the developer may change jobs, or get a new phone, or wander off, so not all ROMs stay supported.
Fortunately one ROM and group of developers has an amazing track record for turning out hit after hit. CyanogenMod now covers dozens of devices with an amazing ROM that can really perk up your device. It is not at the bleeding edge of features (they are not at Honeycomb yet, for example), but it is very solid, well-supported, and nearly universally acclaimed to be an upgrade for just about any Android phone user.

How to “flash” your ROM

The process of installing a new ROM is called “flashing,” because the “read-only”memory that makes up the ROMs in your device is written to in a special process known as flashing (which stems from original EPROMs which had their memory cleared with a flash of UV light, if you were wondering).The amazing thing about the Android ecosystem is just how simple that process has become. After downloading the image of a ROM to your device, it can be as simple as booting the device in Recovery Mode (often by powering it on with the volume-up key pressed) and then selecting the option to install a new .zip file from the ClockworkMod Recovery command screen that pops up.
EPROM (flashed with UV light)
The Fine Print
Before you race off there can be a lot of fine print. For starters, you need to make sure you get a version of the ROM you want that works with the version of Bootloader your device has (1.1 or 1.2) or learn how to update your bootloader. And some ROMs need certain partitions, which can require an even lower level flash utility — nvflash — to achieve. Depending on how different your custom ROM is from the stock ROM you are running, you might also need to wipe the cache partition, the Dalvik Cache, or even your user data(all doable from Recovery mode).
Each custom ROM typically has a set of instructions with the download, but since they are supported by a volunteer community the documentation may be terse, or may be contained in a long forum thread following the original ROM post. These are frustrating to sift through at first but if you keep at it and start to enjoy tinkering with your devices they are quite informative.
If you’re a diehard Android hacker with some ROM suggestions, or a newbie with some questions, leave a comment.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Tutorial: Converting .APK to .Bar using BBHTool

Hey Everyone, I just wanted to post this in case anyone is having trouble using HaTaX's Method to convert and sign .APK files to .Bar.

Note that before you can do this, you have to have your .p12 file (registered from your .csj files). Also, you will need Android-SDK, Adobe Air SDK, and Playbook OS for Adobe Air

This is the First part of the Tutorial, which teaches you how to create a .p12 file ALLOWING you to be able to SIGN .Bar files =)

Step 1- Register on Blackberry's Website for your .csj files: Signed Keys Order Form

Step 2- Fill out all info, remember your Company Name, and your PIN, Then Select the Key to be "Blackberry Tablet OS Code Signing Key" (It can take up to 2 hours for RIM to send you your .csj files!)

Step 3- While waiting for your .csj files, download and install these files IN ORDER!

-Adobe Air SDK: rich Internet applications | Adobe AIR SDK
-Black Berry Tablet OS for Adobe Air: Tablet OS for Adobe Air Updated Tablet OS for Adobe Air Link
-Android SDK: Android SDK | Android Developers

**I would install the Android SDK directly on your C:\ Drive, so it should be like C:\Android-SDK**

Step 4- Open "SDK Manager", let it load, scroll down to "Android 2.3.3", open the subfolders, and Checkmark "SDK Platform", then Click "Install Packages"

Step 5- Go back and download your .csj files. There is one called "client-PBDT-XXXXXXXXXX.csj" and one called "client-RDK-XXXXXXXXXX.csj" Download both and make copies of them.

Step 6- Now navigate to where you Playbook Tablet OS for Air Installed. Usually, it will install INSIDE Research In Motion's "Program Files" folder. So for me it would look something like this: C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\blackberry-tablet-sdk-1.1.1

Step 7- Once you have found your Blackberry Tablet SDK for Air, navigate to the "bin" folder and copy your .csj files into it. (Yes both the client-PBDT and client-RDK)

Step 8- We need to open up a command prompt now. Go to your windows icon and search "Cmd", find that program, right click, and run as an administrator. If you have something like Windows XP look for a program called "Run" and then type "Cmd" to launch the commant prompt.

Step 9- Since our command prompt is up, we need to direct it to that bin folder. Copy the Address bar at the top of the "bin" folder, so for me it would be: C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\blackberry-tablet-sdk-1.1.1\bin. Once this has been copied, go back to your command prompt and type:

cd C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\blackberry-tablet-sdk-1.1.1\bin

(It depends on where your "bin" file is located for you so change that based on your harddrive!)

Step 10- Now once our command prompt is directed to that "bin" folder, put this following code in, but replace where it says "YOURPINHERE":


blackberry-signer -csksetup -cskpass YOURPINHERE
NOTE: I am making this simple by have you put all your passwords the same as your pin. This just helps you, you don't have to use your pin, but I reccommend it so you don't ever forget!

Step 11- Next, we must now register our .csj files in order to get the .p12 files. YOU HAVE TO REGISTER BOTH .CSJ FILES, THE PBDT AND RDK FILES OR ELSE IT WILL NOT WORK!

Paste this code in after changing to fit your information:

blackberry-signer -register -csjpin YOURPINHERE -cskpass YOURPINHERE client-PBDT-putyourfilecodehere.csj
You HAVE TO put your pin after the "-csjpin YOURPINHERE" part because you registered for your keys online with your pin, after "-cskpass YOURPINHERE" you just have to put the password that you created that is most likely your pin!

Now register the other .csj file with the same code EXCEPT you have to change the file in the last part:

blackberry-signer -register -csjpin YOURPINHERE -cskpass YOURPINHERE client-RDK-putyourfilecodehere.csj

Step 12- Make sure that you don't get any errors when you register those files, you should get a message saying you connected/registered to RIM's servers. You should also get an email saying you are registered.

Step 13- Now that you are registered, you can generate your .p12 file. To do that, input this following code into the command prompt:


blackberry-keytool -genkeypair -keystore QNX.p12 -storepass YOURPINHERE -dname "cn=YOURCOMPANYNAMEHERE" -alias author

What this code does is, creats your .p12 file, I put QNX as the name just to make it easier to find, you can change the QNX part, but I would keep that, because it is easier to find. When you registered online with RIM, you put in your company name, well you have to put that in where it says "YOURCOMPANYNAMEHERE" you have to leave the cn= part. You are also creating another password, but you should just use your pin once again.

Step 14- You have just created your .p12 file. If you didn't change the command lines from mine, it will be called "QNX.p12" YOU CAN LOCATE IT IN YOUR "BIN" FOLDER WHERE YOU HAVE ALREADY NAVIGATED TO! MAKE SURE YOU SAVE IT AND BACK IT UP BECAUSE IF YOU LOSE IT YOU HAVE TO DO THIS WHOLE PROCESS OVER!

Note: You can copy your .p12 file to an easier location for access when using the BBHTool in the tutorial below.

When using BBHTool, all files inputted have to be .APK you cannot just sign a .bar, it converts and signs at the same time!

Here is the second part of the Tutorial, showing you how to Convert and Sign apps using the BBHTool

Step 1- Download the lastest version of BBH Tool here and install it: BBHTool (Public Version) - Downloads - BBH-Plus Forums BBHTool Latest Version

Step 2- Once installed, open it up.

Step 3- Go to the tab at the top and click "Playbook"

Step 4- Click on "APK Converter"

Step 5- Under the "Android-SDK (Required): Browse for your android-sdk folder. I just saved mine to C:\android-sdk to make it easier.

Step 6- At "Conversion Info" make sure you browse where you want your converted .APK files to be saved to (it will automatically place your converted and signed .Bar file into this folder)

Step 7- Click the checkmark for "Sign Converted File"

Step 8- Browse for your Keystore file (that is the .p12 file that you got from registering your .csj files in the tutorial above)

Step 9- Enter Your Keystore Password and your CSK Password into both fields. Remember when you were registering your .csj files, you created both passwords. If you followed my tutorial, then all of your passwords will most likely be your Playbook's PIN. That's what I have mine set to, it's easiet to remember.

Step 10- Once you are done with all of that info, click "Add Files" and browse to your .APK file you wish to convert.

Step 11- Click "Convert/Sign It!" And your converted and signed .Bar file will be where you set it to be!

For me, I can only convert and sign one file at a time or else it doesn't work, so only do one at a time!

After all this is done you can then install the file using DDPB Installer, or any other tools. I prefer HaTaX's tool.

I hope this tutorial will be helpful, am expecting your comments

Thanks So MUCH for reading! =)

Friday, March 11, 2016

How to Opt Out of Any MTN Annoying Subscription Deduction Your Airtime

Information is power… even if it’s just the power of a dot that you know. MTN have been deducting a lot of people’s airtime without them knowing what they subscribed for. Some people every week while some every day and you can bear me witness that this can be so annoying. Some of us even subscribed to some MTN services you don’t know anything about only to discover that anytime your recharge, N50 is been deducted from your account.
All thanks to credible information and I’m going to show you how to opt out of annoying deduction from any MTN services you’ve subscribed to.
How Can I Opt Out From All MTN subscription?
>>Dial the code *123*5*1# and reply with to see your active subscriptions
>>Reply with the serial number of each active subscription shown and that you want to opt out from
>>Reply with 1 to unsubscribe
If you have multiple active subscriptions, then repeat the process and select any active subscriptions to unsubscribe from.
It’s easy and fast. Anytime you notice any unhealthy deduction from your account, quickly check to see that you’ve cancels all active subscription.

Protect your USB Drive with Password without Software

Do you’ve some important data in your USB drive that you don’t want to share with anybody? It may be some documents, username/passwords or images/videos. Then why not encrypt the USB drive data with password? And if you’re using Windows7, you don’t even need any third party software for password protecting portable drives.
 Windows 7 includes a program called BitLocker for encrypting any drive in 2-3 simple steps. Just follow the steps below… and you can secure you files inside USB flash drive but setting a password and encrypting data contents.

Use Bitlocker in Windows 7 to Protect USB Drives

So guys just check all the steps below on how it works and what all you have to do to step in a more secure sharing world.
  1. Insert your USB drive, or any portable hard drive and Right click on it in explorer. Now choose “Turn on Bitlocker…”
    turn on bitlocker usb drive
  2. A small window will appear and prompt you for choosing a password that will be required while opening it later. Proceed by clicking the “Next”.
  3. Bitlocker will create and save a recovery key in your PC in case you forget password. Simply choose the first option to save the recovery key in a text file in a secure place.
    bitlocker recovery key
  4. Wait for few minutes while it will be encrypting the portable drive slowly.Depends upon the data volume in your removable drive.
    bitlocker encrypting the USB Drive
  5. Once done, plug-off and insert the USB drive again to see the encryption in action. BitLocker encryption will be automatically run up and prompt you for putting the password. You have to put the password for only once for accessing the data in it until you plug off.
    bitlocker drive protected
The encryption is absolutely machine independent i.e. whenever you will insert the USB drive to any other computer, it will still prompt for the decryption password. Very useful for locking USB drives with password and encrypting it to keep it secure. So guys I hope you enjoyed this another GEEKY Tutorial.